Daily Mirror - Print Edition

Impersonators in Police attire loot Norochcholai home of Rs. 8Mn, 40 Gold sovereigns

23 Apr 2024 - {{hitsCtrl.values.hits}}      

By Srinath Prasanna Jayasuriya

In an alarming incident, a gang of three individuals disguised in authentic police attire perpetrated a robbery in Norochcholai, Kalpitiya yesterday, leaving residents shaken and authorities on high alert. According to police reports, the culprits made away with a staggering sum of Rs. 8 million in cash along with gold items weighing approximately 40 sovereigns.

The unsuspecting victims recounted the harrowing experience, revealing that the perpetrators gained entry to their residence under the pretence of conducting a search for a purportedly valuable item known as Valampuri. Upon gaining access, the impostors purportedly bound the hands and legs of the primary occupant, instilling fear among other residents with threats of grave harm.

As investigations into the incident unfold, law enforcement agencies are actively pursuing leads to apprehend the suspects and recover the stolen assets.