Paddy Marketing Board considers taking MRIA stores

12 August 2015 12:01 pm

The Paddy Marketing Board was looking at the possibility of using stores at the Mattala Rajapaksa International Airport (MRIA) to store the paddy harvest of the Hambantota District in the Maha season, a top official told the Daily Mirror today.

PMB Chairman M.D. Dissanayake said they had requested the authorities to look into the matter after learning that there were some vacant stores at the MRIA.

However, Dissanayake said they had not reached a final decision as yet regarding the matter and added that it was a normal practice to use stores of other government institutions such as stores of army, Food Commissioner Department and Co-operative Development for storage facilities.

“It is not a new practice. We have already used stores belonging to the Army and some other government departments for storage facilities,” he said.(Ajith Siriwardana)