Matale district records lowest vulnerability despite persistent economic challenges

6 March 2024 01:44 pm

By Nuzla Rizkiya

Matale, March 6 (Daily Mirror) - Matale District in Sri Lanka ranked the lowest in Sri Lanka’s Multidimensional Vulnerability Index (MVI) compared to national averages, recent data by the United Nations showed.

With an MVI of 0.142, Matale has demonstrated commendable resilience against multidimensional vulnerabilities, notably lower than the national average of 0.206, according to the MVI District Profiles launched by the United Nations Development Program (UNDP), Monday.

The MVI, is an indicator that attempts to capture the intersecting and overlapping vulnerabilities households face, beyond measures of financial vulnerability considering educational, health-related, and other kinds of vulnerabilities.

Despite the encouraging statistics, the district still grapples with significant economic challenges, particularly in employment and digital accessibility.

Out of 620 households surveyed by the report, 65 percent of them had reported income reductions in October 2022. 34 percent have at least one household member with a disability.

Food security in dietary proteins poses an issue in the area with only 57.1 percent of households having fish, meat, eggs, or dry fish a few times a week for all household members.  14.2 percent of these households have stated that they do not have these sources of protein frequently.

Internet banking too posed another formidable challenge with a majority of respondents (73.2 percent) not using any digital or remote form of banking including credit, debit cards or cheque books.

Education disparities persist, with only 2 percent of households reporting a member with a university degree. 83 percent  of households have resorted to reusing supplies left over from previous years while 48.1 percent reported that they were passing down stationery and other necessary items to younger siblings.

Financial burdens too weigh heavily on residents, with 32.7 percent of households reported being in debt primarily due to basic consumption and housing needs.