Indonesian Immigration arrests 27 Sri Lankans in Tangerang

19 December 2023 07:52 pm

Jakarta, Dec 19 (TEMPO.CO) - The Indonesian Immigration officers arrested 27 Sri Lankan nationals in several apartments in Tangerang, Jakarta for violating immigration laws.

The head of Tangerang Immigration Rakha Sukma Purnama said that the arrest was conducted following reports from surrounding residents who said they were uneasy about the presence of the Sri Lankan nationals in the apartments.

Officers from Tangerang Immigration and South Tangerang Resort Police then went to the scene to conduct an inspection. "The inspection resulted in 27 foreign nationals in different apartment units," he said on Tuesday.

When met by immigration officers and the police, they were inside their apartment units. Officers found that these foreigners have allegedly violated immigration laws as stipulated under Law No. 6 of 2011.