Revenue from liquor in Sri Lanka declined by 2.2% to Rs. 58.2 billion in the first four months of 2023, mainly due to a 22.6% decline in the production of liquor. However, revenue from cigarettes increased notably by 29.6% to Rs. 42.7 billion during the same period, mainly due to the increase of the tax rate on all kinds of cigarettes by 20 percent.
In Sri Lanka, 39.3% of children between the ages of 5 and 14 use the internet, a higher percentage than the adult population aged 50 to 69. This was revealed in a survey conducted from January to June 2022 by the Department of Census and Statistics.
The Commission to Investigate Allegations of Bribery or Corruption (CIABoC) has conducted 32 operations and arrested 26 people in connection with bribery and corruption in the first five months of 2023. This is an increase in arrests compared to the previous year, when the CIABoC arrested 36 people in total in 2022.
A recent study found that one in every five Sri Lankans have experienced depression at some point in their lives. The study, which was conducted on patient data submitted between 2000 and 2023, found that depression is a major public health concern in Sri Lanka.
According to the National Nutrition and Micronutrient Survey, 93.9% of households reducing their essential non-food expenditure such as education and health due to lack of money to buy food. They bought the necessary food products with that money to meet their daily necessities.
The Consumer Affairs Authority (CAA) hotline received 8,056 public complaints in 2021. According to the Auditor General (AG) report produced for the CAA, even at the conclusion of the year under review, no action had been taken in relation to 2,646 complaints, and raids had only been carried out on 816 of those complaints.
50 percent of the dengue patients were reported from the Western Province while 9.8 percent of the dengue patients were reported from the Western Province belonged to the Colombo City area. With the active South Eastern Monsoon and due to the heat, the dengue mosquito population has increased, and the number of dengue patients is increasing.
The Earth orbits around the Sun at a 23.5-degree inclination. Countries located between the 23.5 degrees north and 23.5 degree south latitudes are close to the Sun all year round. These countries come closest to the Sun twice a year during the Earth’s orbit. Sri Lanka, located near the equator, experiences the hottest months of the year in March/April and August/ September due to the peak of the sun.
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Sri lanka out of bankruptcy soon
Ranil, AKD marriage will end on Sept. 21st
Will protect dignity of people who vote for NPP
I do not make false promises, will not allow any child to starve