Probe on Fonseka media interviews

By Gandhya Senanayake

The government has launched a full scale investigation to probe how pro Fonseka interviews have been leaked to the media while the General is under military custody at the heavily guarded Naval Headquarters, the Defence Ministry said today. 

General Sarath Fonseka had last week allegedly smuggled out letters to UK’s Channel 4 and a weekend newspaper claiming that the charges he faces in the military court are bogus.

“None of the accusations are true. He (President Rajapakse) is jealous of me as I got more votes than him although he rigged he knows that I can challenge him,” the General had said, adding that he believed he was being held illegally and that his life remains at risk.

Reacting strongly at the interviews, Director General for the Media Center for National Security Lakshman Hulugalla told Daily Mirror online that the government would investigate how the interviews had been leaked adding that the inquiries had already begun.

Defence Secretary Gotabaya Rajapakse, shedding blame on the opposition also told the media that it was the opposition who was responsible in leaking out the General’s letter to Channel 4.

Government Spokesperson Dallas Allahaperuma last week also alleged that General Sarath Fonseka’s letter leaked out to Britain’s Channel 4 was the work of the JVP as it bore all the trademarks of the Marxist group. (Daily Mirror online)


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