Reveal businessman who played out Rs. 1.7 Bn: SJB

Whilst alleging that a certain businessman had played out the Sri Lankan government by accepting Rs 1.7 billion from the government promising to boost Sri Lanka’s image among the US Congressman, the SJB yesterday called for the disclosure of those who are responsible for the transfer of funds and penalising them.

SJB Parliamentarian Dr. Rajitha Senaratne told a press conference that a sum of Rs 1.7 billion has been transferred to this businessman to be spent for the image boosting campaign but he had credited a greater amount of funds to his personal accounts.

“This businessman had transferred a sum of

Rs 1.3 billion out of Rs 1.7 billion to his personal account but had not carried out a campaign to boost Sri Lanka’s image among the US Congress members,” he alleged.

“It is essential to take action against those who are responsible for transferring funds for this businessman as it is public funds that had been wasted. It is also possible that those who transferred the state funds also got a commission from this businessman. Therefore an investigation has to be carried out on this matter,” he added.

It was also disclosed by the MP that the

USA had already filed action against this person with regard to frauds in real estate business in that country.(Yohan Perera)

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