Five-year strategic plan to accomplish short and long-term objectives: CHSGA

8 September 2017 11:15 am


Ceylon Hotel School Graduates Association (CHSGA) in consultation with 3W Consulting rolls out a five-year strategic plan to lead Sri Lanka’s tourism and hospitality industry whilst establishing its purpose in the business.

Contributing towards these aspirations, CHSGA would pave the way enabling SLITHM to produce world class graduates of high standards, Continuous Professional Development for its elite membership, networking with the local and international HORECA sector, providing advocacy for good governance in the hospitality sector in order to be the voice of hospitality professionals in SL.
The outlined five year strategic plan encompasses all levels of associated sectors possible and practical. Effective coordination of plans between state and private institutions to stay ahead of the competition is one of the key aspects of the new plan. It also involves the insights of the smartest minds in hotel revenue management working in tangent with related stakeholders to discuss ways; hotels can optimize their pricing and service delivery in the face of an increasingly dynamic marketplace and industry challenges.

The Ceylon Hotel School Graduates Association (CHSGA), established in 1971, takes pride in being the pioneering Hospitality Professional Association in SL. With an alumnus of over 1500 members, CHSGA members hold significant senior managerial and leadership positions in the industry, both in SL and in international markets. CHSGA members have significantly contributed to the growth of tourism in the SL.

CHSGA aspires to be a game changer in driving professionalism and innovation in the hospitality industry of Sri Lanka and to be a significant contributor to achieve the national vision for tourism in the country. 

“In an era of rapid change with new players and intermediaries, it’s critical that all hotel stakeholders, sales and marketing leaders, owners and investors have the right strategies in place to tackle challenges on the ground,” stated CHSGA President Sanjeeva Perera.

He added, “It is the ideal time for the generation of new ideas and approaches to shape the future of hospitality, we are excited to propose our planned out program to bring even more innovation forward and develop new brands.”