Beating the Holiday Blues…23rd Dec 2010

24 December 2010 05:36 am

The All Share Price Index gained 55.7 points to close at 6,511.5 points (+0.9%), whilst the Milanka Price Index also gained 69.4 points to close at 6,974.3 points (+1.0%).


The total turnover was LKR2,241.3 mn (USD20,146.5 k)  vs. 12-month average daily turnover of LKR2,386.9 mn (USD21,455.3 k) whilst the volume traded for the day was 66,048 k against the 12-month average daily volume of 74,630 k.


Top traded counters were


Colombo bourse continued the bullish run even amidst the holiday blues. Heavy weight John Keells Holding continued to generate institutional interest to emerge as the top trader for the day. Counter contributed for circa 34% of day’s turnover where it witnessed over 2.5 mn shares changing hands during the day. Poultry sector counters such as Bairaha Farms and Grain Elevators shed ground during the day due to a retail selling spree with a high intraday volatility. However the retail sales were seen absorbed by the institutional and high net worth investors. Commercial Bank saw institutional activity whilst renewed institutional and high net worth interest was evident in Laugfs Gas. 


A net outflow of foreign funds were seen during the day, where foreign purchases amounted to LKR94.7 mn (USD851.2 k), whilst foreign sales amounted to LKR805.7 mn (USD7,242.3 k).


Market capitalization is at LKR2,168.8 bn. YTD market performance is up 92.3%.


TKS Securities (Pvt) Ltd