Nilaveli Hotel to host CSAC open fishing competition

23 August 2019 12:04 am

To celebrate its 45th year of service and its long-standing collaboration with the Ceylon Sea Anglers Club (CSAC), Nilaveli Beach Hotel will host the Annual Open Fishing Competition conducted by the CSAC. 

In its 85th year the CSAC will open its competition to the full complement of sports fishing skills to make the contest more exciting. Moving away from its traditional open sea trolling, it will now include ‘jigging’ and ‘popping’ increasing our competitor’s chances to land that elusive whopper. 

The CSAC also hope to have access to the waters of the outer harbour area traditionally known for its rich fishing grounds. The event is scheduled for the morning of Saturday, September 21 and will conclude with a wonderful crab lunch at Nilaveli Beach Hotel. The hotel also offers very special discounted rates for competing Anglers and their families.