Colombo District Snooker Tourney Wickrama, Rifkhan advance to semis

7 August 2019 12:01 am

By M. Shamil Amit

Two Army cueists Susantha Wickrama and M. R. M. Rifkhan advanced to the semi-finals of the Colombo District Snooker Tournament when they recorded wins against Riyaz Noor of Moors SC (MSC) and Loshaka Perera of the SSC in their respective quarter-final matches played at the Automobile Association Club (AAC) Billiards Table in Colombo yesterday.
The remaining two quarter-finals are scheduled to be played today commencing at 9.00 a.m. which will be followed by the two semi-finals due to start at 1.00 p.m. The semi finals will be played over seven frames.


(Pre quarter-finals):
M. Riyaz Noor (MSC) beat Foumy Fareed (The Cue) 64-13, 72-33. M. Farook (MICH) beat P. A. D. Peramuna (Army) 48-6, 53-30. Ahmed Zulfi (MSC) beat S. J. Samarakoon (Army) 42-13, 73-27. Rimzan Ali (The Cue) beat Anil Rohana (AAC) 64-53, 59-37.
Susantha Wickrama (Army) beat M. Riyaz Noor (MSC) 55-18, 43-77, 50-47, 62-45. M. R. M. Rifkhan (Army) beat Loshaka Perera (SSC) 31-44, 48-39, 38-64, 64-34, 57-39.