Waxing desires in waning years

8 December 2015 06:30 pm

This plump and short senior purohita well past sixty is well known as a ladies’ man.  The other day several Diyawanna members from both sides of the divide relaxing in the council lobby had great fun swapping juicy titbits about the purohita’s latest fling.

One of the members said the old man’s latest ‘catch’ could not be more than 22.

“I know her real age,” chimed in another member. “She is 27 though she looks younger!” “What is her job?” the question came from yet another member.
“A doctor who has just completed her internship!” replied the other member.

He added: “Our man has bought her a posh house in a residential area not far away from here!”

“Some guys have all the luck,” an elderly member lamented. “You people know only this affair. But I know about three other affairs of our man,” a member who was a silent listener all this while declared. “Tell us, machang!” the others implored. “Not now! We should have something for another day!” he said before beating a hasty retreat.