Vicious circle begins again!

15 July 2015 06:20 am

Electioneering is a very expensive exercise that calls for liberal spending. However, politicians are not fools to spend their own money on election campaigning. They usually raise slush money for the purpose.

A certain provincial chief who has entered the fray to get back to Diyawanna has already deployed his cronies to ‘solicit’ contributions to his slush fund using the stick and carrot approach, they say.

This provincial chief, a typical turncoat, has found the affairs he has to preside over quite unwieldy and is keen on continuing his political career in the familiar Diyawanna environment. 

The slush fund of the provincial chief has already begun swelling with ‘voluntary’ contributions from big businessmen and big-time contractors in the province who fear repercussions if they fail to oblige, they say.