‘Tooth- extracting’ film stars!

29 December 2015 04:05 am

Dathak galawanawa (extracting a tooth) is a phrase that has entered the popular Sinhala idiom of late. This phrase means getting some undue benefit from someone by guile or deceit. 

Some powerful politicos are clever at taking their voters for a ride. But these heavyweights often fall for the wiles of comely girls. Incidentally, fortunes acquired by six leading film stars through the wiles used on some powerful politicos is the talk of the town these days.

Two mansions, two luxury  vehicles and a beauty parlour are among the assets that one of the six stars has acquired thanks to the patronage of a leading politico in the Western Province.

Another  film star who has ‘extracted a tooth’ from a popular politico hailing from the Hambantota district is the proud owner of a posh residence, a restaurant and a money spinning prawn farm, they say.

The fortune that yet another film star has made due to the generosity of a former high political authority includes a media-related business venture, a mansion and a prime land in Dambulla. 

An estate, a house and an expensive car account for the largesse that one of the lucky six has received from a ‘former chairman’. 

There is another film star who received Rs.10 million from his political benefactor who, incidentally, is no more at Diyawanna. 
Lucky ones. Aren’t they?