They have vowed to uphold yahapalanaya!

29 September 2015 06:30 pm

This Ministerial brat who attracted limelight when he had to appear in courts over an issue connected with a lass is back in the news: he had this time round commandeered a limousine in the vehicle park of his father’s Ministry which he had stormed commando-style. 

According to the Ministry employees the vehicle he took away was the one reserved for the Deputy Ministerial one and the young man had been very rude to the security men when they protested against the brash act. 

The Ministerial brat had later used choicy words on the Deputy when the latter faulted him for forcibly removing the vehicle.

Angered by the brat’s rude response, the Deputy too had resorted to a   tit-for-tat action: he had taken away about a dozen of the vehicles from the Ministry vehicle park. 

When the authorities concerned had inquired from the Deputy why he took away vehicles from the Ministry fleet for no apparent reason, the latter had  in a sharp rejoinder asked  why they did not question the Ministerial one when about one and a half dozen of vehicles were taken away from the fleet on his instructions.

By the way, the other brat of the Ministerial one, now a Diyawanna member also has already made a name for his bellicosity, they say.
And they all have vowed to uphold yahapalanaya!