“Take on the one at the top!”

29 April 2015 06:28 am

The opposition group that staged a ‘night out’ in the Diyawanna House held a series of discussions by way of follow-up action.

Most vociferous at these talks was Rattaran from the district immediately South of Colombo. “Now that we are armed with 113 signatures and matters have come to a head, we should lose no time in dealing a decisive blow,” Rattaran exhorted his colleagues.

“I think the time is ripe for presenting a motion of No-Confidence,” said a former Ministerial One from Kandy area now facing corruption charges.

“We should not stop at moving a No-Confidence motion. We must proceed to impeach the one occupying the Main Chair as well,” said a former Ministerial One from the Colombo district.   

“What is going to become of our No-Confidence against the current Finance One?” the one who handled Education under the previous dispensation queried.
Rattaran spoke up again: “Let us drop that motion. Time has come for us to hit at those at the top,” The others agreed.

They later contacted over the mobile a former Ministerial One who once held professorial status in law and asked him to use his legal knowledge to document an air-tight impeachment motion against the occupant of the Main Chair. Happy that he has been taken notice of after a long time, the professor is reportedly busy at home these days beating the impeachment into shape.

However, developments playing out since then indicate that the good efforts of the professor are likely to go down the drain, they say.