“Ohoma yang! Ohoma yang!”

4 August 2015 06:30 pm

The new Big Boss did not attend the launching of the Betel leaf   election manifesto although he is the chair of that party. The Betel leaf seniors later decided that if the mountain does not come to Mohammed, Mohammed should go to the mountain. So they called on the new Big Boss armed with a copy of the manifesto. 

The new Big Boss who warmly welcomed the Betel leaf seniors had also laid out a table with milk rice and kavum for them.  And they were gaily chatting while enjoying milk rice and traditional sweetmeats. 

One of the visitors suddenly said in jest: “If you, Sir, make a statement like the one you made earlier…” he could not finish what he was going to say as everyone burst into laughter. 

Pleasantries over, the new Big Boss received the manifesto formally presented to him and as the visitors waited for him to say something, he articulated the pithy Sinhala phrase that expresses one’s resignation: “Ohoma yang! Ohoma yang!”