How they defeated the Ministry vote

29 December 2015 06:30 pm

A number of ruling party bigwigs of the Western Council were seen lazing around outside the council building at the time the Health Ministry’s head of expenditure was taken up for the vote. 

However, some of them had rushed inside soon after the vote was taken as if they were keen to register their vote.

Now that disciplinary action for their truancy is staring these bigwigs in the face, they have begun coming up with various excuses to justify their absence at the event. Some of them trot out the excuse that they boycotted the vote-taking to protest against the failure on the part of the authorities to comply with their request to allocate Rs.30 million under the health Ministry’s head of expenditure. Meanwhile, another faction of the betel leaf councilors claim that they got the nod from above to exercise their free will at the voting. Meanwhile, the Purohita in charge of the subject attributes the fiasco to a devious conspiracy. Those in the highest echelons in yahapalanaya are said to be now taking stock of the situation.