His bid to end holiday to ethanol imports fails!

1 July 2015 06:11 am

Ethanol was a much hackneyed topic at opposition election rallies in the recent past. Some powerful politicians were branded as ethanol racketeers and promises were galore at that time that they would soon be brought to book. But it is no secret that ethanol business continues to flourish as before.

Ethanol being a base product for the manufacture of two different products as far apart as beauty and beast --  cosmetics and hard liquor has provided a convenient cover for ethanol racketeers, they say.

All that is by the way!

A prominent high up in the yahapalanaya government recently presented a proposal at a decision-making body to authorise the issue of permits for import of ethanol for the manufacture of cosmetics. The new Big Boss in the chair had immediately shot down the proposal saying allowing ethanol imports even for a harmless purpose would only bring the government to disrepute. The high up, of course, did not press the matter, they say.