He let down his master and the country!

18 August 2015 06:32 pm

This envoy who represented a powerful nation in our paradise isle had completed his stint here and called on the new Big Boss at his office to say his formal adieu on the eve of his departure.

The new Big Boss who gave the envoy a warm welcome hosted him to tea and it was time for the customary exchange of gifts.

The envoy presented the gifts he had brought with him to the new Big Boss and it was the Big Boss’ turn to reciprocate.

The Big Boss waited for his aides to produce the gifts to be presented to the envoy. But they only looked sheepish. The chief secretarial one had forgotten to have the gifts ready!

The chief secretarial one who caused severe embarrassment to the Big Boss by being remiss in his duty is likely to get his just deserts after the election, they say.