He bought nomination at a price!

29 July 2015 09:54 am

This King Rooster who once commanded a large following in the hills has always been more after the dough than votes and a little bird says that he had turned a certain ambitious guy’s dream of political power into millions. 

This ambitious guy, a well-heeled dual citizen of this country and Britain,  now living in the mid-east  had sought nomination from King Rooster to contest the coming poll as a cockerel from the hills. For King Rooster this was a godsend opportunity to raise enough dough to fund his election campaign. “OK, I will nominate you for one of the slots from the quota reserved for our party on the Betel leaf district lists. But this will cost you at least Rs.50 million,” he told the nomination seeker. The amount mentioned was chicken feed for the ambitious guy and the deal was clinched.    

However, this underhand deal had leaked out and angry estate folk have decided to teach an unforgettable lesson to King Rooster and the ambitious guy come election!