Circuit bungalow turns a haunt for ‘honeymooning’ VIPs

26 January 2016 06:30 pm

There is a certain yahapalanaya purohita who frequents a circuit bungalow in the South run by an important state establishment.

However, this worthy does not visit the circuit bungalow all alone. Some fair and lovely socialite or other would invariably be his companion whenever he comes here. Quite recently the purohita had berated the bungalow manager for not furnishing the rooms at the bungalow with drapery to ensure adequate privacy. 

A few days ago, the purohita arrived at the bungalow along with a famous film actress no longer in the firmament. By the way, she is now doing well as a businessperson, they say. Another day he had come with a lady from a well-known political family in tow. On yet another occasion his companion had been a comely lady holding a high position in an institution under his Ministry. This bungalow is fast becoming a haunt for ‘honeymooning’ VIPs, they say. By the way, a bungalow employee had recently got the chop for not being discreet about the goings-on in this place.