A rendezvous shrouded in mystery!

22 September 2015 06:30 pm

The former strongman recently enjoyed a long holiday at Pasikuda, a popular national resort on the eastern coastline.

He had checked in to a star-class hotel to take a respite from the train of worries that have been visiting him ever since being ousted from office.  They say he had his fun in full measure by swimming in calm and shallow waters, jet sking in the surf and even diving in deep waters to watch the corrals. One evening when the afterglow was painting the distant skies in rose and golden hues and the former strongman was taking a stroll along the beach when he espied a familiar figure walking towards him. The other beach walker presently turned out to be none other than the Green party leader, the second in command of the ‘yahapalanaya’ regime!

There were some people who witnessed the two political rivals warmly greeting each other and engaging in what seemed to be a friendly conversation. But what they had talked about remains a mystery, they say. Many also still wonder whether the duo met on the beach by sheer accident or by design.