A politico behind illegal paddy land filling operation

24 November 2015 06:30 pm

Filling of some paddy lands lying beside the High Level road in an urban area not far away from the City is the talk of the people in the locality, they say.

The lowland area, coming under this hectic filling operation proceeding apace, is about 14 acres in extent.

As filling of paddies is known to be an illegal activity, some inquisitive ones had made inquiries and found that a secretarial one is directing this operation on behalf of a powerful politician.

The politician in question has ordered the agrarian services authority concerned to issue an official letter certifying that the parcels of lowland now being filled are not paddies and this has placed the official in a terrible dilemma, they say.

Meanwhile, two real estate companies are reportedly busy with preliminaries for breaking up the spreads being filled into commercial lots.