A distraction to curtail fire from Red politico

29 December 2015 06:30 pm

The Front-liners ever on the lookout for an excuse to make a noise to prove their nuisance value have grabbed the issue over the remanding of their elusive leader as a godsend. 

Now they are going round the country shouting the slogan: “Release comrade….”

Unceasing protests being staged by the Front-liners in the city aggravating already existing traffic snarls had become a pain in the neck of the yahapalanaya high ups and a team of purohitas tasked with the responsibility of looking into problems of this nature the other day held a conference to find a solution to this issue. “Why don’t we release this troublesome fellow and send him out of the country?” one of the purohitas suggested.

“There’s sense in what you suggest,” another purohita spoke up. “But there is a plausible reason for us not to send the fellow back where he came from immediately. The Red party’s vociferous stalwart – you know whom I mean -- now becoming increasingly hostile to us, is mortally afraid of this estranged comrade, they say. So we can put the chap on good behavior by keeping his erstwhile comrade in the country for a while…”

“Ah! Is that so? Then let us bide our time,” another said. All others readily agreed.