Why he got second thoughts!

25 May 2016 12:00 am Views - 5057


A number of Betel leaf purohitas are said to be in a state of indecision about their political future. Such a wavering purohita from a district famous for its gems ran into a JO camp stalwart of the same political party quite recently.


After small talk, the duo turned to the subject of the recently increased VAT regime. And they swapped their concerns about the burden placed on the poor masses. The purohita from the gem-district looked highly disillusioned.  “We will have no future, if this state of affairs continues,” he lamented.

The purohita’s comment was music to the ears of his colleague from the JO camp. 

“If you are so disgusted, why don’t you join our group?” the Gampaha colleague asked.
“I was ready to join your group. But I had second thoughts when I heard that ‘henahura’ had descended on your group.  I am prepared to move and work with anyone, but not with that character! I don’t mind if you quote what I say when you meet our former boss the next time.”

The purohita did not name the individual whom he referred to as ‘henahura’. But the Gampaha colleague knew whom he meant.