Vanity and sanity

4 October 2017 10:34 am


This young businessman, incidentally with a moniker that sounds like that of a top team member, is deeply mixed up in the treasury bond fiasco.The young man the other day called on a well-known political advisor to consult him on a way out of his predicament.


Once seated opposite the political advisor, the young man, a gabby one, began talking in and out of turn throwing discretion to the winds. 

The advisor gave an attentive ear to the young man without interrupting his long-winded tale.
Finally, he told the advisor: “I am not afraid of this case, Sir.  I am prepared to face it…”
The advisor made no comment.

He opened up again: “I am going to give forthright answers to all questions from the witness box!”
The advisor made no response. 

The young man continued: “I don’t care what other people say. I am going to step down from the witness box like a king after a conquest!”  

The young man repeated what he said as the advisor did not appear to have heard him. Then only the advisor broke the ice with a smile. “Mister… a top team member in yahapalanaya talking to me seated opposite me like you are now, told me more-or-less the same thing…” The advisor posed for a moment and added: “But he was stripped of his portfolio soon afterwards!” 

The young businessman for once was speechless!