They want to be guided by stars

9 August 2017 09:50 am


Several prominent star-gazers in the country are having a heyday now, they say. You have guessed right! Most of their clients are politicos from both sides of the divide. 


In fact, the other day, one prominent politico declared for the world to hear that he sent his horoscope to an astrologer to have a glimpse into his political future ahead of quitting the government. 

A much-talked about politico from the Colombo area and a purohita from Wayamba are among our lawmakers who had recently consulted astrologers. The question most of these politicos ask the astrologers is: What is the most auspicious time for me to cross the floor?

Some politicos want to know, they say, why the planets that favoured the ushering in of yahapalanaya have now turned against it. 

Meanwhile, several political heavyweights had asked a popular city-based astrologer whether a certain high political authority would survive the brewing crisis.  Pat had come the astrologer’s crisp reply: “I will announce my prediction by mid-August!”