They enjoy basking in the leader’s glory

13 September 2016 12:00 am

There are two Diyawanna members who have made it a habit to occupy the two seats located immediately behind a prominent political leader if vacant, whenever the latter is about to address the august assembly.

Ripples of amusement run through the House whenever these two members – one from the North Central and the other from Wayamba – rush forward to sit behind the political leader when he rises to his feet. Most colleagues are now privy to the reason for this unusual behaviour:

to poke their heads over the leader’s shoulder from either side for they know that video cameras are invariably focused on this leader whenever he addresses the assembly which means their faces too would figure in the footage when it is aired by various TV channels! The two seats which the two members ‘invade’ whenever they are vacant belong to two purohitas, they say.