There were no projects to solicit commissions

23 May 2017 12:00 am


A section of the media has found access to a report containing an interesting telephone conversation between two leading political stalwarts. A part of the conversation in Sinhala runs as follows:


“There is talk that some chaps from your party are collecting ‘commissions’ at a rate!”

“Collecting commissions from whom?”

“From contractors tendering for various projects!”

“Are you prepared to take the responsibility for the allegation you are making?”


“Have you got evidence, documentary or otherwise?”

“Yes, I do have information received from credible sources!”

“But not a single project has been launched for the last two and half years for anyone to solicit ‘commissions’!”

“Ah! That’s true! Something I had forgotten!”

“If any of my chaps resorts to any corrupt practice once we launch our projects, I’ll properly deal with them!”