Seeking tippling pleasure while on duty

21 October 2020 10:03 am

There is a state-owned undertaking dealing in oil which functions   round the clock. 

The management of this undertaking had received a series of complaints that its security personnel were in the habit of getting liberal with the bottle while on night duty.

The management that made discreet inquiries later found the complaints to be true and decided to rectify the situation through a round of cordial talks with trade union leaders representing the errant employees. 

So, at a discussion held with the TU leaders later, the management explained to them that they would have to deal severely with the employees found drunk while on night duty and sought the co-operation of the trade union leaders to head off such an eventuality.

However, several TU leaders who declined to co-operate with the management insisted that the employees in question be allowed to take a ‘warm-up’ drink or two while on night duty.

The management put its foot down saying it was against all norms and even the law to allow the employees of a workplace to work under the influence of liquor be it during the day or the night and the dissident TU leaders walked away saying they would take up the matter with the political authority in charge of the subject. 

The political authority concerned, reacting to this outcome of the talks is reported to have said: “Let them come. I’ll give them an earful!”