Prospect of coconut breaking scares them away

9 March 2016 12:00 am


The ‘joint opposition’ group the other day visited Aluthkade to watch the hearing of   Y’s bail appeal case. Front-liners of the group like Boralugoda scion and former Tuition Master were among them.


As the group walked out after the hearing of the case, they were mobbed by journos who started asking questions as usual. 

“Now that the Alliance’s General Secretary Post has fallen vacant, aren’t you making a bid to get that post?” one journo asked. 

Boralugoda scion who grimaced said: “Apoi! We don’t want it even if offered with one million… Can’t you see the funny goings-in?”

Then the journos asked him why he sounded so disgusted.

Boralugoda stalwart winked at the former Tuition Master and said: “These people will break coconuts…Therefore, none of us will come forward to accept the post.”  He added as an afterthought: “But there’s one from among us who might accept it...”

“Who is he?”  All journos asked in unison.

“This one,” Boralugoda stalwart again directed their attention to the former Tuition Master. “If he accepts the post, he can’t surely break coconuts against himself!”