Playing double roles

28 March 2018 10:39 am


This khaki-suited high-up is serving in a district where communal troubles flared up on a major scale recently. This is also a district where ‘nayakes’ are galore and this one too is a ‘Nayake’. Though his moniker is common, the activity he is involved in is uncommon given his regular job, they say.


This worthy is an Ayurvedic physician specialized in Orthopedics and he is said to be practicing this ‘vedakama’ while doing his law and order job. 

He is reportedly spending several hours of the day treating patients visiting him with complaints about sprains, bone fractures and ligament tears applying herbal oils and herbal pastes.

People in the area take for granted this unusual job-combination of the khaki-suited one for after all they are living in an area where a high political authority is doubling as an astrologer.