Now they can play both games

26 October 2016 12:00 am

A Bill on Sports was drafted in the recent past incorporating provisions that disqualify politicians from holding high office in the recognized sports associations in the country.

Meanwhile, perturbed over the new provisions in the draft Bill, some interested parties made representations to the powers that be saying that if the new law were enacted it would cause much disappointment and grief to a certain big name associated with sports and a politico taking an abiding interest in the gentlemen’s game. Taking pity on the duo facing exile from the sports world, the powers that be had requested the authorities involved to suitably amend the draft.

Now that a rider has been added to the grief-causing provisions saying that the ban is not applicable to those politicians who had actively participated in sports, two to three politicians – all willow wielders of yester year – are walking on air these days, they say.