Meanderings of two mandarins!

12 July 2017 10:34 am


Two top mandarins in yahapalanaya were recently sent packing home.


Of the two, the one who had to go first- saying adieu to the topmost post in public administration – had got a shelling – a bellyful so to speak- from Number One before getting his walking papers, they say.
A communique issued by him that created a hullabaloo in the country was the cause for the latest rebuke he had got from his boss.  He had been taken to task on a number of previous occasions as well, they say.

Now this mandarin is said to be planning to get lost in the land of kangaroos. 

The other mandarin who had to quit the powerful top job of looking after the country’s security has got a consolation job of being the care-taker of the country’s interests in a foreign land. 

In his case, he had got his fingers burnt when he reportedly mishandled two tenders. One tender was related to a food supply and other to the purchase of a ship, they say.