May Day turnout figures worked out with the aid of satellite pictures

11 May 2016 12:00 am


While the leaders of the main political parties were claiming that their May Day rally drew the biggest crowd, the former strongman wanted to know for sure which party rally accounted for the largest turnout.


He collected figures from the JO, media and civil society sources and found wide discrepancies in them. 

Meanwhile, on a tip off given by a confidant, the former strongman phoned up a local agent of the Google Company. 

This agent had later called on the former strongman with some sophisticated equipment. He had with the aid of satellite pictures that covered the May Day rallies had worked out the turnout figures in respect of all main rallies for the benefit of his client. The techniques used for calculating the figures looked so logical and scientific that the former strongman was convinced that the figures arrived at were correct. 

However, so far none other than the former strongman and the Google man are privy to the turnout figures reached through this scientific exercise, they say.