Making an overture in his own fashion!

14 June 2016 12:00 am

A former purohita, a controversial figure from the Gampaha district had rung up a Green party purohita on the day that the debate on the No-Confidence motion had to be postponed under unforeseen circumstances. 

“Machang, don’t give any chance to those mad chaps in the opposition,” the former purohita told the Green party stalwart.

“Why do you say so?” a highly surprised Green party man asked.

“Can’t you see? These b…gers are trying to topple the government!”

“That will never happen!” replied the Green man.

“Ah! Sure? Okay if it is so!” the Gampaha worthy exulted.

“I thought that those in the JO group are your good pals!” the Green stalwart told the former purohita.
“Yes. They were those days!”

“Not now?”

The former purohita replied after a brief pause: “Machang! I got to thinking things over. We too should have a future! Shouldn’t we?”