Law point clinches her stand

2 March 2016 12:00 am


This member of the ‘joint opposition’, a very vocal one, had been of late quite upset over a court case, because an unfavourable outcome could cost her the precious Diyawanna seat.


The member, an avowed loyalist of the former strongman, taking no chances given her present plight, was inching towards yahapalanaya as a safety measure. However, she was under pressure from her staunch supporters in her constituency that she should continue to back the former strongman regardless. 

Being placed on the horns of a dilemma, the member decided to consult a legal eagle to have the last word on her case. The legal eagle who delved deep into the law at length came up with an ‘irrefutable law point’ that could open up for her an easy way out of her current predicament. 

“Don’t worry any more about this case. Ask your attorney to cite this law point and that will settle the case in your favour for good,” the legal expert had assured her.  On being relieved of the worry that plagued her for months, the member overwhelmed by a surge of gratitude went down on her knees and worshipped the law expert, they say.  

Now that she is no longer in need of safety measures, the member is said to be all out to play a lead role in the political campaign led by the former strongman.