Journeying at leisure mixed with pleasure!

6 December 2017 09:19 am


The Diyawanna members who never go short of anecdotes at their regular lobby gossip session, the other day, shared how a Blue party senior had made it a practice to add pleasure to his long regular trip to his political base.


The Blue senior who usually leaves his city residence for the hill country destination in the evening would make his first stop at a roadside eatery close to the gem city. Leaving his security detail behind, the purohita would enter the eatery alone. Thereafter, he is escorted to the privacy of a special guest room where he is provided with whatever that suits his appetite. And he would emerge from this room after a long rest to resume the trip.

The veteran politico’s next stop on the journey is where he would take a longer rest. 

By the way, it was when the recounting of juicy tit-bits about the politico’s night activity while on this trip was sending the Diyawanna members into fits of laughter, the hero in the story himself was seen walking towards them.

“Ah! Mallila appear to be enjoying a good joke,”  remarked the purohita as he neared the group. All continued laughing without making a reply. 

Blissfully unaware, the members were having a laugh at his expense, he slouched away after waving them a goodbye.