His suggestion goes a-begging!

31 October 2018 09:55 am


A set of khaki high-ups was having a good time at a bash when one of them suddenly remembered the plight their Lokka was placed in, these days.


“Machang,” he addressed them all in general. “It just occurred to me a fine idea as to how we should help our Lokka in his hour of need. We should launch a well- planned campaign on Facebook to convince the people what a great man he is!” 

He added after a brief pause:

“If he continues in the job, we also can go ahead with a good time enjoying an occasional good time like this. After all, isn’t he himself a jolly good fellow?”

This suggestion had drawn a quick response from another one at the party.

“I say, we didn’t invite you to this party to give you a chance to whitewash anyone! Don’t get mad at us. We are not interested in whitewashing anyone. We are interested only in safeguarding the honour of our department, which we highly esteem!”

Having said his piece, the high-up had left the place. And his departure had appeared to be the signal for others to follow.

Finally, the supporter of their Lokka had found himself left with one colleague, a pensioner no longer in service, they say.