He is too ambitious to give up hope

9 March 2016 12:00 am


A new Police Chief is about to be appointed, they say.


An authority in the highest echelons had last week unofficially informed that a select few concerned as to who had been selected for appointment to the coveted post and two to three high ups in the department who had been eyeing the post were highly upset when the news reached them, they say.
The most ruffled and dismayed of all dejected ones is an aspirant who had been supplicating at Kovils, temples and churches and even resorting to occult practices in his bid to ascend to this high office. 

According to department sources, this aspirant now appears set to use whatever unethical means within his reach in a last-ditch attempt. 

By the way, the appointment of the most qualified person to this post will lead to unmasking some characters in the department, they say.