Has the controversial project taken the shine off this Ministry?

24 May 2017 09:59 am


The Betel leaf party – the other partner of the national unity coalition – has been offered a certain Ministry now being held by a Green party politico. This offer has been made in view of the reshuffle of the top team in the offing.


The Ministry on offer to the Betel leaf party is the one due to implement a controversial major development project in collaboration with a foreign company holding a major stake in it.

However, none from among the Betel leaf seniors has indicated willingness to accept this Ministry.
It is a strange quirk of irony that there are no takers for this Ministry which has to play a major role in the country’s economy, they say.

When this Ministry was offered to a senior purohita holding a key office in the Betel leaf party, pat had come the reply: “No. I don’t want it.” By the way, he had earlier asked for a more important Ministry than the one he is holding now. 

The Ministry goes a-begging for want of a willing taker because of the ‘stigma’ of the deal to be signed with the foreign company, they say.