Facebook friendship ends up as a time bomb

17 August 2016 09:00 am


A head of a certain government department handling public security among several other services to the people had struck up a friendship with the wife of a big name in the jewellery business through the Facebook.


However, this high-up had not revealed his real name or the real designation to the lady befriended. Instead, he had posed as an officer holding a minor position in the department.  

As their Facebook friendship grew up they began having an occasional chat over the phone as well. One day, the lady had asked the Facebook friend whether he could do her a favour at the departmental level. 

The high-up told her that he could help, and invited her to meet him at a certain place at a certain time. 

The lady who smelled a rat, ignored the proposed tryst and sought to get her matter attended to by other means.

Meanwhile, the Facebook friend kept on pestering her with calls and finding him an endless nuisance, she called at a nearby Police station to make a complaint. However, Policemen on duty had hesitated to record her statement. 

Later the lady had told her story to several government authorities and inquiries that ensued had traced the telephone calls the lady had received to their origin!

Meanwhile, some informed sources say that the complaint made by the lady is going to be veritable time bomb which may explode throwing the errant head of the department out of his recently occupied seat!