Economic pills too bitter to swallow?

17 May 2017 09:49 am


The purohita in charge of the public purse and the head of the bank controlling the country’s monetary policy – had reportedly been involved in a heated exchange at the meeting of a high-level committee on economic management the other day.


The purohita had reportedly taken exception to some comments contained in the latest annual report of the bank and a heated argument had ensued when the bank head defended the contents of the report. By the way, according to informed sources these two often find themselves at loggerheads on matters of economic policy and fundamentals.

The purohita in a highly emotive outburst had even accused the bank head of playing a ‘double game’, they say.

The bank head, however, had in a deft stroke sent the ball flying back to his antagonist’s court and this had triggered another tirade by the purohita.   

However, the other participants had at this stage intervened to put an end to the verbal battle.

The duo have now become openly hostile to each other. Meanwhile, neither is prepared to budge an inch from their respective stances as both enjoy a strong backing from a section of the government, they say.