Drivers’ bunk house picked for State Minister’s office

14 June 2017 10:25 am


An official conference was held the other day with the Finance Ministry secretary in the chair to find a solution to the problem of allotting suitable space to house the office of the State Minister. 


The high officials from the newly created State Ministry faulted the secretary at the very outset about the failure to find suitable space in the Line Ministry premises to house the office of the State Minister.

In response to criticism directed at him, the Ministry secretary replied that they had to look for accommodation elsewhere as there was no adequate space to accommodate both Ministers in the same building complex. 

Asked whether he found suitable space for the State Minister’s office in any other place, the secretary replied in the affirmative.

Inquiries made by the State Ministry officials revealed that the place that the secretary had picked to convert into the State Minister’s office was a room at another Ministry premises currently used by Ministry drivers to bed down for the night. 

“Do you mean that you propose to convert a drivers’ bunk house of another Ministry to our Ministers’ office?” asked the State Ministry officials in amazement. 

When there was no answer, they posed another question: “Was it your Boss who made this suggestion?”

Without waiting for a reply, the State Ministry officials had walked out of the conference room, they say.