Domineering couple, a thorn in their side

1 November 2017 10:44 am


A domineering couple very close to a leading powerful politician of a main political party has become a thorn in the side of the party’s local political activists, they say.


This couple does not allow the local politicos of the party even to organize a meeting without their knowledge and approval. “This meddlesome couple throws monkey wrenches into every activity, every programme we organize on our own,” an irate party activist said.

This man and woman wielding the political clout ‘delegated’ to them by the leading politician monopolize the decision-making at every party conference or seminar held in the area, they say. 

The unhappy local politicos of the party lament that though they have made several representations to the party hierarchy about this imperious couple, no action has been taken so far to curb their dictatorial conduct.