Doing a wrong thing in a ‘wrong way’ draws howls of protests

22 June 2016 12:00 am

A group of purohitas and Diyawanna members in yahapalanaya are said to be up in arms against the ‘unjust practice’ resorted to in dishing out jobs in departments and state-owned undertakings coming under the purview of a certain Ministry.


Several members of the family of the purohita handling this Ministry are in active politics and his wife who is incidentally holding a high office in the Ministry, is said to be giving away hundreds of unskilled worker-jobs generated on the initiative of the Ministry only to their supporters in two particular electorates ignoring the requests by other purohitas and ordinary members on the government side. 

The heads of the two main political parties in yahapalanaya, on receiving a number of complaints in this regard have decided to work out a scheme for distribution of jobs in the public sector on a just and fair basis, they say