Damage control bid leads to another round of adverse publicity

21 September 2016 12:00 am


There seem to be many who appear to believe that politics would be quite dry and drab sans the element of love and romance to enliven it. 


Perhaps a believer in this concept created a sensation in political circles and the public domain recently when he planted on the Facebook several compromising pictures showing a young couple - a handsome politico from Uva and a comely star from the silver screen in intimate postures.

Of course, the young politico had to face the wrath of his better half when the photos went public. So he asked his girl-friend to lose no time in getting the pictures withdrawn and making a statement that she was a victim of an action of an enemy who wanted to defame her.

The girl readily agreed to this suggestion and the politico got a group of his supporters to record ‘a voice cut’ from her saying that the pictures were fabrications intended to embarrass and insult her. The recording was done at the spacious car park of a popular restaurant in Rajagiriya area. However, unfortunately, an interested party present at the park at that time had reported the incident to the media generating a new wave of publicity to the Facebook pictures.