Coal issue: A tangle within a tangle

14 September 2016 12:00 am


The fiasco over the controversial coal tender has taken a new twist, they say.


Initially many said that the villain of the piece is a certain political authority who keeps on interpreting the court order and the government’s official stand on this issue to suit his own designs.

All machinations of this political authority are aimed at ensuring the procurement of coal supplies continuously from the errant supplier whom the probe committees had blacklisted, they charged.

Meanwhile, a coal company bigwig has entered the fray vowing that he would not give up his fight to become the sole supplier. He is getting the active backing of a group of purohitas, they say. 

Incidentally, a certain yahapalanaya purohita is now set to expose in the august assembly a certain white collar bigwig as the de facto evil force behind the coal tender issue.