Cat is out of the bag

25 April 2018 10:02 am


The soft-spoken and mild-mannered onetime Diyawanna member with a moniker that rhymes with hooray, now a governing one was transferred to the hill country reportedly after much deliberation at the highest echelons.  And to everyone’s surprise, the governing one was re-transferred to Yalpanam even before the ink on the initial transfer order could dry up.


This sudden transfer cancellation set many wondering as to what could be the reason behind it. And many seemed to have accepted the explanation that it was a response to the popular request from the people of Yalpanam. 

However, according to informed sources, there was a reason that some people in high places did not want to discuss: certain nayakes had reportedly got in touch with the authorities in the highest echelons post-haste and objected to the transfer citing a reason that the newcomer could not help. 

So, the authorities meekly accepting the reason cited as a reasonable did a hurried reshuffle of transfers that suited the ‘nayakes’.  

By the way, an eminent Government Agent posted to the main city in the hills years ago too had to face a similar situation, old-timers recall. 

Incidents where certain great personalities had been slighted and discriminated against for reasons they could not help, had been commonplace in our neighbouring country in the recent past. Post- Independence India’s first Justice Minister Dr. B.R. Ambedkar embracing Buddhism along with several thousands of Dalits was a symbolic protest unjust discrimination against a section of the society. 

Many right-thinking people, no doubt, condemn in strong terms this un-Buddhistic practice persisting in public life and consider it a matter for deep regret that of all, a section of Buddhist dignitaries in this country seem to uphold it.